Bank details;
Green Alchemy IBAN: NL62 INGB
0006 5551 34
Prices exempt of VAT. Paid by PIN or Cash after completion of session
(recouped via health insurance
if covered)
Bitcoin, Ethereum and several other crypto currencies are accepted https://coinmarketcap.com/calculator/
Universal Currency Converter: www.xe.com/ucc/
Admin: www.cifre.nl

Acupuncture (first intake & treatment) - 85 euros
Acupuncture (follow-up treatments) - 85 euros
(basic cosmetic acupuncture included upon request at no additional cost)
Cosmetic Acupuncture
Golden Years - gold-plated needles
For a brighter more youthful complexion - 95 euros
Luminous & Beautiful - Rife Tube (orange light therapy)
Reverse skin cell aging - 100 euros
Hollywood Glow - Rife Tube (orange) & gold-plated needles
Increase collagen turnover, add sparkle to the eyes - 105 euros
(note. all gold-plated needles are single use)
Acupuncture enhancements:
Tesla Coils - cellular rejuvenation - 110 euros
Phanotron Lamp - virus destruction by resonance- 105 euros
(included w/ one hour acupuncture session)
All above treatments are one hour duration
First visit:
20 mins onboarding/initial intake
30 mins treatment time
10 mins offboarding
10 mins onboarding, relaxing and symptoms recap
40 mins treatment time
10 mins offboarding
Treatments invariably include
the Bemer micro-circulation therapy. Far-infrared and crystal healing (jade, obsidian, amethyst, tourmaline) built into the treatment table
Depending on symptoms, treatments may also include: electro acupuncture, floral acupuncture (w/ Bach flower remedies) acupressure, tuina, reflexology, moxa, fire cupping, guasha, EFT (emotional freedom technique)
angel healing.
Individualised care plans typically include dietary and lifestyle recommendations, emotional support /guidance and psionic self-defense techniques.
Additionally, herbal remedies may be recommended based on your specific needs