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28 Of The Most Breathtaking Astronomy Photographs Of The Year 2020 Have Just Been Revealed

astral technology

28 Of The Most Breathtaking Astronomy Photographs Of The Year 2020 Have Just Been Revealed

pyramid of light

Pyramid of White Light - Astral Protection

Discover the transformative power of the Pyramid of White Light, an essential tool for grounding yourself and feeling safe. Perfect for moments when you feel overly sensitive to others' energies or encounter hostile waveforms when you enter a negative environment.


This powerful technique, introduced by Dolores Cannon, the founder of Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT), offers you a shield of tranquillity and strength before stepping out into the world. Ideal for feeling secure in crowded places like railway stations and airports, or providing a sense of protection when walking home

alone at night

You can say these words internally or out aloud. Imagine it is your higher self speaking the words to you -------------------------------------------- The Pyramid of White Light Now, I would like for you to imagine a beautiful pyramid composed entirely of white light. A very beautiful thing to see. It glows .. it sparkles shimmers. And I want you to mentally place that white pyramid of light so that it completely encloses your body, even the underneath side of your body, so that you are completely enclosed within the beautiful pyramid of white light This is your protection. The white light is a very powerful force. It can protect against anything. It will remain around your body whenever you feel unsafe or uneasy Nothing can harm you mentally, or physically. You are protected You are safe. You know it You feel it And it is very, very good

astral guardian

Astral White Tiger  - Animal Guardian

Astral guardians are the external physical manifestation of our inner-self taking the form of a magnificent animal. They possess human intelligence, can speak regardless of their form, and often behave as though they are independent of their humans, but essentially faithful and remaining intrinsically linked to the individuals

they guard.


Like powerful extensions of ourselves they can be envisioned as protectors in the astral realm, our dreamworlds and in the physical world, representing an external manifestation of our

inner strength. 

Visualise and build create your astral guardian. Choose a guardian - it could be an astral tiger, polar bear, dragon, or any other majestic creature. Let's take the astral polar bear as an example. Imagine this protective guardian, immense and powerful, rising on its hind legs to meet your gaze with wise, luminous eyes. Its fur shimmers and sparkles with an ethereal white light, sparkling with hues of violet, pink or gold that dance like the northern lights. Picture, if you will, silver armour, crafted with celestial symbols, adorning its head and shoulders, and perhaps elegant, shimmering runes tracing patterns down its back. As it moves, every step leaves a trail of glittering diamond dust, and beams of light cascade from its body. This magnificent creature cleanses negative energy with its presence. Visualize it padding gracefully through each room in your home, its sparkling aura purifying the air and filling every corner with a serene, protective glow. See it bounding outside, encircling your house and garden, its radiant light creating a sacred space. Picture it leaping and twirling with fluid grace, light streams trailing behind like comet tails. Your astral guardian accompanies you wherever you go, a steadfast and luminous protector, its very presence a beacon of safety and purity.

psionic self-defence

Psionic Self Defense

In today's workplace dynamics, encountering individuals with negative energy—such as narcissists or company bullies—can sink you and sap your energy. Psionic self-defense involves creating and maintaining strong protective energy spheres.


By visualizing and reinforcing these spheroid barriers, you shield yourself from their influence as soon as they enter your space. This technique ensures your energy remains balanced and undisturbed, promoting resilience and clarity

in challenging environments.

Psionic Self-Defense Technique Grounding with Earth Energy: Find a quiet space, sit comfortably, and close your eyes. Take a few moments to relax and let your heart rate settle. On your in-breath, visualize a reddish-pink light rising from the center of the Earth, entering through your feet, and traveling up your spine to your heart chakra (at your breastbone). As you exhale, imagine this light forming a sphere at your heart. With each breath, see the sphere expanding like a balloon, growing larger until it envelops your entire body in a glowing pinkish-red light. Connecting with Heavenly Energy: On the next in-breath, visualize blue light descending from the heavens, entering through the top of your head (crown chakra), and moving down to your throat chakra. As you exhale, picture this blue light forming a sphere at your throat. With each breath, see this sphere expanding like a balloon, until it forms a blue helmet around your head. This blue sphere fits inside and under the red sphere, creating a layered shield of energy. Maintaining and Alternating Focus: Continue to focus on your breath, maintaining a robust sphere of pinkish-red light surrounding your entire body. Then switch your focus to the blue orb around your head. Alternate between the two spheres until you have a strong visualization of both. Your psionic protection is now optimized. This technique doesn't block positive energy from loved ones, animals, or nature. Instead, it shields you from hostile energy. If you encounter someone with negative psionic energy, it will no longer affect you. The narcissist or tyrant may notice they can't draw you into their games. Once you’ve visualized these psionic spheres, you can quickly rebuild this energy in seconds in the future. This technique is even taught to elite soldiers in the US secret space program for its effectiveness in maintaining mental and emotional resilience.

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