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The 5th Dimension & Homo Galactica

The 5th Dimension
& the Rise of
Homo Galactica

The Jyotish astrologers of ancient India foretold a significant phase transition for humanity, moving from Kali Yuga to Satya Yuga. This shift would herald an era of elevated consciousness, where the ego finally hangs up its hat, has become totally exhausted, obsolete  and relinquished, paving the way for a more unified and enlightened existence. According to Vedic texts, 'When the metal bird flies Eastward, the wisdom of the East will come to the West' Could this "metal bird" refer to the Concorde or a Boeing 747?


In contemporary terms, this transition is understood as ascension and the shift from 3D to 5D. Increasingly, people are awakening to the realization that we are not all following the same Darwinian evolutionary path towards an uncertain future. Instead, the emerging understanding is that there are multiple futures, multiple timelines awaiting us. A change of heart and focusing on what we want, and not what we don't want, is the key to moving into a brighter, more sustainable future.


Feeling out our heavy emotions, like pulling up old rotten roots and casting them into the bonfire, is the way to step into a higher vibrational way of living.  By shifting our awareness to more life-supporting energies and releasing old, worn-out patterns, we can move to a higher-dimensional timeline, experiencing a better version of ourselves and the Earth we inhabit. 


During this time, the world needs individuals who can maintain a positive, high-frequency vibration to provide stability through this global crisis. It is wise to remain vigilant, and not to be energetically drained by those in ego-identification, stuck in surface mind who thrive on fear-mongering and try to pull everyone down into the mud. Although seemingly paradoxical, it is the mud that lifts the lotus up to the light. The human collective is now transitioning towards the fifth dimension, and as the old systems tumble and fall a new sun will rise after the storm.

Just as a butterfly effect can turn a desert into a verdant forest by planting a single shrub, a higher dimensional consciousness is germinating on planet Earth.  This period of upheaval may serve as the necessary catalyst for a planetary upgrade and a more harmonious

way of living.

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